Stress and uncertainty are endemic to our lives, and for many people this manifests in the physical body as tension, anxiety, and chronic pain. Massage therapy works with the nervous system to reduce anxiety, promote healthy sleep, bolster immune function and mitigate the negative effects of stress on the body. Incorporating massage treatments into one’s self-care routine can have a profound impact on overall well-being, and I am passionate about offering safe, informed treatments for my clients.
Update: Masks are not required at our facility, but I will honor any client’s wish to be masked during their session and continue all of my protocols.
I follow recommendations from the DOH and state authorities for providing safe massage treatments. Every session begins and ends with sanitation of the treatment table and tools and I adhere to frequent hand washing and disinfection protocols, as well as providing medical-grade air filtration in the treatment room.
If you feel you are experiencing symptoms of any virus, cold, or other communicable illness, you reschedule your session for a time when you are feeling better. This is both for your protection as well as for my own health and that of everyone who comes through the facility. If you need to reschedule an appointment due to illness within 24 hours of your appointment, you can email me here. My cancellation policy does still apply to illness, so please give as much notice as possible.